Worcester Locomotive Society
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Worcester Locomotive Society Limited
(Incorporating Worcester Locomotive Society, founded 1960)
Registered Office: 84 Hallow Road, Saint Johns, Worcester WR2 6RY
Registered No. 1188105 England
HRA Member

E-Mail: wls@worcesterlocomotivesociety.co.uk

Magazine Articles:  bigfour@worcesterlocomotivesociety.co.uk
Magazine Archives:  Request an archived Big Four Magazine Magazine Archive Index
WLS on Facebook:   http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=51559211354
Latest News Page:   Latest News Page
Fundraising:  Click HERE for details of 2024 fundraising opportunities
For access to Zoom meetings Members Please Email zoom@worcesterlocomotivesociety.co.uk for a link
Best viewed in 1024 x 768        Web Site Last Updated: 8th August 2024   Web Site Version:  2.427.
Class 35 Hymek                                                         
