Worcester Locomotive Society


Trip Booking Form



Coach fare only one class. 


I require __________ seats at the advertised price of £ __________ each


For the trip to ______________________________ on ___________ (date)


Total money enclosed £_________


Cheques /PO’s payable to “Worcester Locomotive Society” Please


Name ________________________________________________________


Address ______________________________________________________




_______________________________Postcode ______________________


Telephone No. _________________________________________________


WLS Membership No. ___________________________________________


We will join the coach at  _________________________________________


I/we are prepared to travel in a mini-bus (all modern and fitted with seat belts)

and understand that non-members are not covered by the society’s insurance

Yes/No* delete as appropriate.


Please complete the above booking form and forward to:


Worcester Locomotive Society

38 Ledwych Road,

Droitwich Spa,




Please Note:  WLS cannot guarantee attractions.  All are subject to availability

on the day.